How to write a press release.

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Subject matter

A press release is not a written advert about your company or product. It is an informative and newsworthy article regarding a subject which is of interest to a specific publication and their readership. 

Always consider the publication and focus on the issues which a publication would be interested in. A trade publication may be more interested in the technical aspects or benefits of a new product where as a local weekly newspaper may be more interested in the fact that a local company has launched a new product.


If the press release is for immediate release write "IMMEDIATE RELEASE" in all caps on the top left margin.

Write your press release using 1.5 spacing to aid quick reading. 

Use simple language and never use jargon.

It needs to be written objectively and in the third person. 

Try not to exceed 400 words and where possible aim for less than 350. 

A press release should include:

Simple eye-catching headline

A headline needs to attract readers and persuade them to read the article. It is the “What and Why” and needs to communicate the press release’s key points in a few words.

Don’t write a headline with fourteen words when five will do it:

“A local company has launched a new product designed to revolutionise the widget market” 

“Local company launches revolutionary product” 

Introductory paragraph

This is the “Who, What, Where and Why” and should be a brief synopsis of the article which adds weight to the headline.

“ABC Widget Company from Birmingham is launching a new widget making machine which will help local widget makers increase productivity by 25 percent.”

Main content

This is where the article can go into depth on the “What and Why”. Remember to use simple language relevant to the readership. I mentioned earlier not to use jargon, but you may be able to use technical terms if you are writing for a trade specific publication. 

Always consider the publication and who will read the press release and use suitable language for that publication and readership. 


Always include the most important aspects of a press release with a quotation from an authoritative figure such as the Managing Director of ABC Widget Company. An authoritative figure adds credibility to the subject matter. 

Quotes also provide the impression that the journalist has interviewed the person and written the article themselves. This is important as readers are more likely to read a publication or article which they feel has been researched and written by a journalist rather than the company on which the article is about.


Photographs speak a thousand words, but remember to be creative. You don’t necessarily have to instruct a photographer as most digital cameras can easily produce a photograph suitable for print. 

Submitting your press release

Most press releases should be submitted by email so the journalist or editor can edit the article easily. When sending an email include the press release in the email body as well as attaching it. 

If you have a photograph, include it, but be mindful of the size of the email when attaching files. 1MB is about the maximum file size I recommend. 

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