The low cost marketing expert's blog for small businesses.
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Ask me to review a press release or advise on a Google Ads campaign. From branding, copywriting and design to search engine optimisation, social media and website design - no matter your question, you can benefit from a FREE 30-minute marketing consultation.
The secret to achieving effective marketing communications
If someone you knew or perhaps a family member was interested in buying something from you, you wouldn’t use a load of sales and marketing hype on them.
How and when to you use a special offer to increase sales
Special offers should be designed to increase profits and not just volume and need to work for the seller and buyer.
Organic search engine optimisation through good marketing practice
Search engines want to reward authoritative websites and provide relevant search results.
7 simple steps to successful advertising
An advert with the right message, in the right medium, at the right time and designed in the right way will be successful
How to out sell everyone with the instant benefit finder and by writing winning headlines
The instant benefit finder. Here’s a guide to the most sought after benefits that people look for when buying a product or service
How to write a press release
A press release is not a written advert about your company or product. It is an informative and newsworthy article regarding a subject which is of interest to a specific publication and their readership.
Image and graphic file types explained, plus when and where to use them
Ever wondered about what the differences are between such files as a .GIF, .PNG, .TIF, .PSD, .EPS, etc, etc?
15 tips for setting up Google Ads
15 tips for setting up Google Ads. You can create and have your Ads live in a very short space of time. Here are 15 tips to help you get underway.
Where to place keywords for best search engine performance
An important aspect of getting your website to feature on the first page of a search engine’s result page involves careful placement of your chosen keywords within your website.
An Introduction to search engine optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about ensuring that potential clients find your website quickly and easily via search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
15 top ideas for a press release
Continuing on from my previous blog posts on press releases, this post explores 15 great ideas for a press release.
The power of a coupon
The first coupon ever to be used is thought to be Coca Cola’s coupon for a free glass of Coke in 1888.
A brief history of the search engine
A search engine can be defined as a software system that searches for information on the World Wide Web.
An introduction to social media
Hardly a day goes by without reference to social media, social networking, X, LinkedIn Facebook, etc., but can they really help businesses find new customers?
7 PR mistakes that small businesses should avoid
7 PR mistakes that small businesses should avoid . Generating free publicity can be straightforward and when done properly it can be very powerful.