Image and graphic file types explained, plus when and where to use them.

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Ever wondered about what the differences are between such files as a .GIF, .PNG, .TIF, .PSD, .EPS, etc, etc? 

A good place to start is to look at the differences between Vector images and Raster images.


EPS, AI and PDF are vector images and are perfect for creating graphics that require frequent resizing. Your logo and brand graphics should have been created as a vector, and you should always have a master file on hand. The real beauty of vectors lies in their ability to be sized as small as a postage stamp, or large enough to fit a billboard.


Raster images are constructed by a series of dots called pixels where each pixel is assigned a color value to form an image. Unlike a vector image, raster images are resolution dependent. When you change the size of a raster image, you shrink or stretch the pixels themselves which can result in a significant loss of clarity. Raster images are stored in image files with varying formats including JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs.

Lets look at some Vector image examples.

.AI - Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is the professional program your logo will be designed in and is the 'source' file. This file is the best file type to give to professional printers and designers. They will be able to reduce and increase the size of the image without any loss of quality. You may not be able to open this file type on your own machine.

.PDF - Portable Document File

A PDF file allows a document to be displayed no matter what operating system you are using. It includes text, fonts, graphics and other information. This file type can be requested by your printer (print ready PDF may be required).

.EPS - Encapsulated PostScript

This file type is the most commonly used file by professional printers and embroiderers etc. They will be able to reduce and increase the size of the image without any loss of quality. You may not be able to open this file type on your own machine.

Now for some Raster image examples.

.JPG or .JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

This is most probably the most well-known, and common image file type. You will be able to open this file type on your computer and can use it for most on-screen needs such as your website, and Microsoft products like Word and PowerPoint. 

.GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

Again, a well-known file type suitable for most on-screen needs. Unlike the .jpg file you make the background transparent making it ideal to put onto coloured backgrounds, whether for your website or presentations.

.PNG - Portable Network Graphics

Like the .gif file this is also transparent but better quality (higher res). It is ideal to place on your website if not sitting on a white background and was created to replace the .gif file.

.PSD - Photoshop layered file

The PSD file format is an industry standard and it allows color changes, or even adding or removing parts of the logo (by hiding or activating layers). The normal desktop printers (ink-jet and colour photocopier) are designed to work happily with a range of image file formats, including JPEG compressed files. However they will still work best with the maximum amount of image data supplied by an uncompressed image such as a PSD file. Photoshop can also generate the raster file types from the PSD.

.TIF - Tagged Image Format

A TIF is a large raster file that doesn’t lose quality; it is usually used when saving photographs for print. Don’t use this file on the web; it will take forever to load.

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